Home // Technical support to the National Strategy to Fight Poverty
Technical support to the National Strategy to Fight Poverty


PLANAPP, along with the Strategy and Planning Office (GEP/MTSSS), provides technical support in monitoring targets and indicators of the Action Plans (PA) of the National Strategy to Fight Poverty (NSFP), in close coordination with the structure that coordinates it, in accordance with RCM no. 184/2021, of 29 December. This project is based on an integrated vision of support for the NSFF in the different phases of the public policy cycle (planning, monitoring, legislative impact assessment and evaluation) and seeks, at the same time, to develop learning and capacity building processes within PLANAPP, testing new approaches that have the potential to be disseminated and replicated in the monitoring of other (sectoral) planning instruments.


To develop methodologies, instruments and tools within the framework of a strategic monitoring of the NSFP that is articulated with cross-cutting and sectoral policy instruments as well as the 2030 Agenda. To this end, monitoring should track the Strategy’s progress in relation to Portugal’s commitments within the framework of the European Pillar of Social Rights, the public policies and strategies enshrined in the 2022-2026 Major Options (Grandes Opções), as well as the interaction with other sectoral strategies and policies.In terms of methodological innovation, monitoring should include the participation of the NSFP’s final recipients and initiatives dedicated to this principle will be developed.
Lastly, a system for monitoring and evaluating the Strategy will be designed and operationalised, based on the collection of information to feed the production of progress reports and evaluation reports, in accordance with the areas of intervention defined in the two Action Plan cycles foreseen in the ENCP.



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