Home // Lab 2050 — Collaborative Foresight Laboratory
Lab 2050 — Collaborative Foresight Laboratory


Lab 2050 is a project aimed at the collective production of visions of a desirable and sustainable future for Portugal, capable of meeting the aspirations of its citizens. Its main goal is to launch an extensive national debate on a desirable nation for 2050, on the future we want to build.


  • Development of a collaborative foresight laboratory, taking into account the experience of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and adjusted to the reality of Portugal, with the year of 2050 on the horizon;
  • Creation of an online platform where all the information produced to feed into the organised debates and the resulting visions of the future will be published in searchable format, as well as all contributions sent by citizens. It is hoped that this platform will become a meeting point for debates on the future desired for Portugal in the year 2050;
  • Production of reports on the visions emerging from the meetings organised as part of the project, an overall analytical study that will bring together the visions and make a comparative study and a foresight analysis that will incorporate the visions arising from those meetings.


The project is scheduled to last fifteen months, starting in July 2022 and ending in October 2023.

