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Drafting and coordination of the MOs


Consolidation and strengthening of the law-making process for the Major Options Bill (MOs), using new tools associated with it and by stabilising the network of organisations and the basic framework for information-gathering. The drafting of the MOs is the responsibility of the government, and PLANAPP is responsible for coordinating its preparation, in coordination with the relevant departments of the other ministries, specifically with the Finance’s government area.


  • Continue improvements in the processes of drafting the MOs, integrating a foresight analysis and a new method for reporting information;
  • Contribute to the public policy decision-making process throughout the public policy cycle;
  • Ensure quality in decision support;
  • Strengthen networking within the scope of REPLAN – Network of Planning and Prospective Services of the Public Administration.


This activity takes place in annual cycles. The documents are usually delivered to the National Parliament in April, and from then on the cycle begins again, including gathering information, liaising between entities, developing supporting studies and drafting the MOs proposal.

