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Demography and public policies


Recent demographic changes have produced impacts over different areas of socio-economic life. These changes are characterised by three trends: 1) a low fertility rate, below replacement levels of 2,1 children per family, which is reflected in a negative natural balance; 2) an ageing population with greater longevity; and 3) greater dynamism in the migratory balance, which is characterised, on the one hand, by the growth of immigrants from outside the European Union who choose Portugal as their destination and, at the same time, growing emigration, especially of qualified young people.
Based on the “Demographic” challenge planned in the Major Options 2022-2026, it is proposed to monitor an integrated set of policies that are reflected in a wide range of indicators in order to produce evidence capable of supporting, on the one hand, political decision-making considering the role of public policies in influencing parental decisions and, on the other hand, foreseeing responses that follow the ageing of the population.


  • •Building a Panel of Indicators on the determinants of fertility and the effects of ageing.
  • Disseminate communication products and data analysis tools that explore the drivers of these processes of change, as well as evidence of the changes accomplished by recent public policies associated with the Strategic Challenge of the Major Options – Demography.


