Comparação do Impacto do Sistema de Incentivos Fiscais à Investigação e Desenvolvimento Empresarial (SIFIDE) e do Sistema de Incentivos à Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico Consultar
The Impact of Public Credit Guarantees on the Economic Outcomes of SMEs: Evidence from Portugal Consultar
The Impact of Private and Public R&D Investment on Gross Value Added – ARDL and Granger Causality Assessment Consultar
Is Deregulation of Product and Labour Markets Promoting Employment and Productivity? A Difference-in-Differences Approach Consultar
Structural Reforms in Justice and Education: A Model-Based Assessment of Macroeconomic Impacts for Portugal Consultar
Short-Run Effects of Product Markets’ Deregulation: A More Productive, More Efficient and More Resilient Economy? Consultar